Year 4: Budgeting

This week year 4 have been learning about the importance of budgeting money. They were given a wage and had to spend it wisely to be able to afford things …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have loved the first week of our new topic. They came up with some excellent ideas for our missions this half term and they are really looking forward …

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Year 4: Topic launch

The clues… Year 4 started today by drawing a map of a barn owl’s habitat using the coordinates and compass directions provided to them. They then use the map to …

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Year 4: Weekly update

This week Blwyddyn 4 thoroughly enjoyed playing water polo in swimming. They all worked together wonderfully as a team and their swimming teachers were full of praise for the good …

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Year 4: Values Day

On Thursday the pupils enjoyed taking part in activities to celebrate our whole school value of Forgiveness. We enjoyed reading the parable of the unforgiving servant and the messages within …

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Year 4: Easter Orienteering

Today, we used our maps to find markers. Each marker had a question or task related to Easter. Our reward for completing the course was a chocolate Easter egg!  #healthyConfidentIndividuals

Year 4: Weekly update

We have discovered this week that Blwyddyn 4 are master carpenters. They have been busy measuring and cutting the wood to make their own photograph frames. They were confident, accurate …

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Year 4: World Book Day

The pupils of Blwyddyn 4 looked great dressed in costume for World Book Day today!  We enjoyed using compass points to show direction in Maths, finding different characters and settings …

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Year 4: Weekly update

This week we have enjoyed our work on fables, especially acting out the fable of The Lion and the Mouse (see photos). We will continue with our work on fables …

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Year 4: A visit from PC Hulley

We enjoyed a visit from Pc Hulley this morning. We listened to lots of great advice about how to keep ourselves safe online.  #EthicalInformedCitizens #HealthyConfidentIndividuals

Year 4: Weekly update

We had a lovely Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant celebration this morning. Everyone sang and danced beautifully. Blwyddyn 4 have also loved being news reporters this week. Their flip videos reporting …

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Year 4: Orienteering

We enjoyed using maps of our school to navigate and find markers around the yard. When we found the markers, we had to sketch the symbols in the correct place …

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Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 loved their first swimming session. They represented our school brilliantly while out and we are so proud of them. We have been busy learning how to tell the …

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Year 4: Problem Solving

We were given 15 pictures of members of the Tudor family. The only information that we had was their name, birth date and date of death. We had to find …

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Year 4: Weekly update

We have ended today getting messy with paper mache to make our chairs. They are drying ready to paint and decorate when we come back after half term. After half …

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Year 4: Homework

After half term we will begin our technology work on photograph frames. All pupils will be creating their own photograph frame using wood. Over half term it would be great …

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Year 4: Prayer Stations

Blwyddyn 4 have enjoyed spending time in the prayer stations this morning thinking about our value COMPASSION. #HealthyConfidentIndividuals 

Year 4: PE

Bore da Please remember that PE will be outside today so please make sure all pupils have appropriate kit on.  Diolch 

Year 4: Safer Internet Day

Today we have been celebrating Safer Internet Day. The message for 2024 is ‘Inspiring Change? making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. Today we have been thinking about …

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