Year 4: weekly update and important information about PE days

Blwyddyn 4 have had a week of problem solving and perseverance and they have done a fantastic job. On Wednesday the class had to sort animals using closed questions to create a branching database. This was trickier than expected as the questions could only be about the animals habitat. On Thursday they had to create their own pneumatic system with only a few pieces of equipment and no prior learning about pneumatics. All groups competed it successfully. #AmbitiousCapablLearners #EnterprisingCreativeContributors


Homework this week is to carry out some research about spiders ready to use in school to create fact files. Just like with the Tudor research please just make notes that can be used, pupils do not need to create their own fact file. Any pictures that they find can be cut out and used on their final piece of work in school.


Thank you for sending in short and tee shirts for swimming. The children all enjoyed their first water safety session. Please continue to send in shorts and tee shirt each week (any boys that wear loose swimming shorts will only need a tee-shirt).

**CHANGE TO PE DAYS** For the remainder of this half term swimming will continue to be on a Thursday but outdoor PE will now be on a Friday not a Monday. Please wear school uniform on Monday and PE kits on Friday. Thank you.

Next week

Next week we will begin to learn about conservation, we will look at the decline of the Bengal Tiger and we will consider how as Christians we can be stewards for God’s creatures and world.

In maths we will be focussing on budgeting and how to manage our money.

In science we will be learning about food chins and in literacy we will continue to read Charlotte’s Web.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin