Dear Parents,
If this is your first introduction to St. Mary’s Church in Wales Primary School, Ruabon, may I wish you and your child a very warm welcome. This prospectus has been prepared to give you a brief insight into our school life and I hope you find the information useful.
There has been a Church school in Ruabon for over 35 years. We are proud to be a Church School and we believe Christianity within the school permeates all we do with the children.
Our aim at St. Mary’s is to provide a happy and secure environment in which we offer each child a broad education encompassing all areas of the National Curriculum. We have high expectations, aim to cater for a pupil’s individual educational needs and ensure each child reaches their full potential.
We believe that strong home-school links are vital and parents are very welcome in our school. We hold regular meetings to discuss children’s progress and we seek parents help to fundraise for extra resources for the school.
This prospectus can only offer a brief introduction to our school but you are very welcome to come and visit us. Please telephone to make an appointment.
Yours sincerely
Mrs N Booth