This week in Year 1 we have been busy continuing with work on our dinosaur topic. We started the week comparing characters from our class book, Tyrannosaurus Drip by Julia Donaldson. We compared Drips physical characteristics as well as his personality and other attributes. We found that Tyrannosaurus rex was both big and strong but also a mean dinosaur. Whereas drip was small and meek but was also kind and clever.
Leading on from this, we also learnt some new vocabulary. Rex and Drip liked to eat different things; we could tell this by looking at their teeth. Rex was a meat eater and had teeth shaped like the knives we use at lunch time. Whereas Drip had a beak and probably some flat grinding teeth to help him eat plants and all things green. We learnt the words carnivore for meat eaters and herbivore for plant eaters. This also raised the question of what sort of teeth we have. We remembered that we like to eat both meat and greens and therefore must have both types of teeth to do this! This makes us omnivores which we found some dinosaurs were as well.
In Maths we have been working on our mental maths by trying to find the missing numbers between two numbers. This was a little bit tricky, so we used a 100 square to help us if we got stuck.
Today we have been having a look at dinosaur habitats and where we think dinosaurs might have lived around the world. We talked about why we might have found a dinosaur there. Was it because there was plenty of food? Was it a habitat they were well suited too? The children came up with lots of interesting ideas.
On Thursday we had a special treat! Our Year 2 class invited some firemen to come and visit our school for their topic. We couldn’t help but go for a quick look ourselves and we even had a sit in the bit fire engine! Thank you for inviting us for a look Year 2!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend Year 1! See you all next week.
Mr Hall and Ms Scott