Year 4: Weekly update


Blwyddyn 4 loved their first swimming session. They represented our school brilliantly while out and we are so proud of them.


We have been busy learning how to tell the time on analogue clocks this week and it was tricky but everyone persevered and by the end of the week all pupils are more confident with minutes past and minutes to. Next week we will move on and learn about telling the time on digital clocks.

We started our work on magnetism and enjoyed spending time investigating what magnets attract and repel. Next week we will plan an investigation to see what materials magnets are able to attract through.

In literacy we have been busy writing detailed descriptions of settings in Alice in Wonderland. We are no ready to make changes to the story to create our own versions.


Everyone loved learning about the Tudor Family tree and using problem solving skills to place members in the correct place. Next week we will be learning about the Spanish Armada. We will turn into news reporters and record our own news bulletin videos to report on the events.




Next week is Welsh week. Our art entries for the Eisteddfod are well under way and we will be learning a short song to perform. We will also spend some time thinking about what makes Wales special, pupils will work to create posters sharing everything special about our Welsh Culture. We will also be thinking about what makes Wales so special to us and as the mood boards for homework were so amazing we will create one all about Wales.


*PE will be outside on Monday and swimming on Thursday.

*Homework is coming home today (time worksheet) and should be returned with reading books by Wednesday next week please.

*Pupils are invited to come to school in Welsh football/ rugby tops, traditional Welsh costume or clothes that are the colour of the Welsh Flag on Friday.


Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin