This week we have enjoyed our work on fables, especially acting out the fable of The Lion and the Mouse (see photos). We will continue with our work on fables next week by reading some more and adding characters and dialogue in.
In maths next week we will be rounding numbers to the nearest 10/100/1000. We will also have a recap of column subtraction. Everyone had a fantastic understanding of column subtraction and borrowing this week.
In humanities we will be continuing our work on rich and poor Tudors and in technology we will carry out an investigation to see which method of strengthening paper is the most effective.
PE will be outdoors on Monday and swimming on Thursday so please remember your kit on these days.
Homework this week is a reading comprehension on magnetism. Please return this nad reading books on Thursday next week.
To celebrate Red Nose Day on Friday pupils are invited to leave their uniform at home and dress in red.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin.