Year 4: Weekly update

We have discovered this week that Blwyddyn 4 are master carpenters. They have been busy measuring and cutting the wood to make their own photograph frames. They were confident, accurate and safe when using the saws. The pupils all enjoyed participating in World Book Day on Monday and they looked fantastic and it has been lovely to see everyone in red today for Red Nose Day.  

Next week we will be finishing off our current topic ready to start a new one after Easter. In maths we will be learning how to divide using different methods and in literacy we will be writing our own versions of fables. We will finish off our work on The Tudors by creating a comparison alley to see how life in Tudor times was different to life today.


As it is our class photographs on Monday all pupil will need to be in full school uniform please. We will still do be PE but it will be an orienteering activity that can be completed in uniform. PE kits and swimming kits will be needed as normal on Thursday please.

Homework this week is a worksheet on rounding to the nearest 10/100/1000. We have done lots of work on this in school this week so all pupils should be able to complete this confidently.

Thursday next week is Values day, we will be spending some time thinking about our whole school value of Forgiveness.

104+ Best Forgiveness Quotes That Will Make You Wiser - Familiar

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin