Reception: Happy Summer Hols!

Well that’s a wrap Reception Class! 🤩🤩🤩 We have spent a wonderful year with you all in Reception and are so proud of how much you have learnt and grown …

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Nursery: Happy Summer Holidays!

Our last day of Nursery has arrived….thank you all for having such an amazing year. We are so very proud of you all and it has been fantastic to teach …

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Reception: Weekly roundup!

Our penultimate week in Reception class has really flown by!!! We can’t believe that there’s only week left till Summer!  We’ve had a blast with our Mini Olympics week! From …

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Nursery: weekly roundup

What a fun week we have had this week celebrating the Olympics being held in France. We have been : tasting French food; saying ‘Bonjour’ for the morning register; discovering …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

We’ve had a great end to our week in Reception by enjoying our Marble in the Jar treat afternoon! We loved our film with our teddies and snacks.  Next week, …

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Nursery: weekly roundup

This week we have enjoyed listening to the story of The Rainbow Fish and talking about how sharing can make our friends happy. We had a letter from The Rainbow …

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Reception: Marble in the jar afternoon!

Our marble jar is full! 🎉🎉🎉 Don’t forget that children are invited to wear their Pjs/ own clothes tomorrow, Friday 5th July, for our treat afternoon. They are also welcome …

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Reception: Weekly round up.

We’ve had an exciting week in Reception! We visited Mr.Hall in Year 1 for the day and all had a great time. It was lovely to see lots of smiles …

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Nursery: weekly roundup

What an exciting week we have had!  Tuesday we visited our prayer stations which were all themed around Friendship. Diolch to Mrs Paxton and our Criw Addoli for preparing the …

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Nursery: Transition morning!

We had a lovely morning visiting Reception Class. We read a story about Pirates and made our very own Pirate hats! We played in the different areas, enjoyed singing songs, …

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Reception: Well done!

Well done everyone for a fantastic Sports Day this morning! You all did so amazing and we are very proud of you for showing perseverance, resilience and good sportsmanship!  Photos …

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Nursery: weekly roundup

A huge well done to everyone taking part in our sports day this morning – you were all amazing🤩! Please see photos on Seesaw. This week we welcomed new Nursery …

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Reception: Weekly Roundup!

This week has whizzed by! They do say time flies when you’re having fun! 😁 We’ve enjoyed thinking about our different families and made cards and photo frames for a …

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Nursery: weekly update

This week, we had a great time planting the plants during Welly Wednesday which Morrisons had kindly donated to us…they really will make our yard and forest school colourful!  We …

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Reception: Happy New Term!!

Welcome back everyone. We’ve had a lovely week in class being back with our friends, after a well-deserved week off! 😁😁😁 We’ve already been busy, kicking our new topic off …

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Nursery: weekly update

A huge well done to all of Nursery for an amazing assembly this morning….you were all superstars🤩 and we are all so proud of you. Your singing and dancing was fantastic! …

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Nursery: weekly update

We had a wonderful trip to Greenacres Animal farm on Tuesday. We had so much fun on the tractor ride🚜, especially when the farmer fed the animals and they came …

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Reception: Happy half term!

Well done for making it to half term everyone! It’s been a busy term with our class assembly and school trip, and we are now all ready for a hard …

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Reception: Weekly round up!

Happy Friday everyone! ☀️☀️☀️ We’ve had a lovely week thinking about seeds and plants. We created some beautiful art work in the style of Van Gogh and have learnt about …

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Nursery: weekly round up

Da iawn Nursery for another great week! We are busy practicing for our class assembly and have loved being creative making amazing craft for a special date in June! We …

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