Nursery: weekly update

We have had such an amazing, fun week! We have been talking about the King’s Coronation, have planted red, white and blue bulbs in the school grounds and have completed an amazing piece of class art-work as part of our celebrations for the Coronation. We looked fantastic coming into school dressed in red, white and blue today and just about made it outside between showers for juice and yummy cakes made by Mrs. Conlan and the kitchen staff🍰.
Our Park Hall Farm trip was so much fun and we did activities such as:  meeting the pony, watching the pig racing and feeding the sheep, going on a tractor ride and playing in the science zone!
Next week we will be designing and building castles and palaces in the sand and blocks, doing some more planting in our garden centre area, recalling the story of The Hungry Caterpillar, practicing numbers and thinking more about the ‘S’ sound before we move onto ‘A’.
Hope you have another fantastic Bank Holiday weekend and we will see you on Tuesday.
Mrs. Golby, Mrs. McCaffrey and Mrs. Edwards