Year 2:

Today, during ‘Muddy Monday’ we had lots of fun looking for signs of Autumn. We found things such as blackberries, conkers and acorns. It was so nice to have such …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

Big well done to Year 2 this week! You have continued to work incredibly hard this week with all tasks. In maths we have looked at greater than and less …

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Year 2: PE fun

Today in PE we have been busy balancing! We have been balancing on one leg, raising onto our tip toes whilst balancing and even mini squats on one leg.  #Healthy, Confident …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week we have been busy busy busy! We have worked hard preparing for our Harvest celebrations. We enjoyed learning our song ‘In my trolley’ and tried hard to remember …

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Year 2: Outdoor Art

We enjoyed collecting leaves, sticks, stones and conkers to make outdoor art, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  #EnterprisingCreativeContributors

Year 2: Muddy Monday

Today we followed ‘Fletcher the foxes’ footprints, until we found a basket of items. In the basket was a letter from Fletcher asking us to work in pairs to make …

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Year 2: Book Bags

Thank you for sending in your book bags today if you have forgotten to bring them back, please can you send them in tomorrow. Diolch Mrs Thomas 

Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week the children have been brilliant! We have worked hard on our number bonds to 10 and recognising the + and = signs in number sentences. We have used …

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Year 2: Homework

Today the children are bringing home their reading books to practise their reading. We have been working hard on sounding out and blending the sounds when we get stuck! Please …

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Year 2: Fancy Footwork in PE

In PE this morning we have been working on footwork patterns. We have been moving in different ways such as zig zag, hopscotch, hopping and side stepping.  #Healthy, Confident Individuals

Year 2: PE Reminder

Please remember to come to school dressed in your PE kits tomorrow.  Diolch

Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week the children have worked incredibly hard! They had a great time in their first Muddy Monday session where we launched our topic, Autumn. We have been busy describing …

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Year 2: PE Reminder

Tomorrow is our first PE session together in Y2. Please remember to come to school dressed suitably for PE with trainers on. If you wish to bring pumps with you, …

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Year 2: Topic Launch

As Year 2’s Topic launch we went for a walk to ‘Muddy Monday’ Whilst we walked along, we found footprints and leaves. We talked about what animal they could come …

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Year 2: Weekly Overview

We have had a lovely first week in Year 2. We have settled into our new classroom and routines well. The children have worked incredibly hard too, we were so …

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Year 2: Logging onto Hwb

This morning we have worked hard using the iPads. We have logged onto Hwb and accessed J2e. We worked hard to paint a self portrait and to write our name …

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Year 2: Happy first day back!

We have been so proud of Year 2 today! They have been so well behaved and settled quickly into our new Year 2 routines, enjoying exploring our new classroom. We …

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Year 2: Welcome Back

Hello we hope you have all had a good rest over the summer holidays. We are excited to see you again and show you your new classroom! We hope you are …

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