Year 2: Weekly Overview

This week we have been busy busy busy! We have worked hard preparing for our Harvest celebrations. We enjoyed learning our song ‘In my trolley’ and tried hard to remember all the food items that we put in our trolley. In literacy, we have worked hard writing a Harvest prayer to give thanks to God. In maths, we have continued with our work on number bonds and the children are getting quicker at recalling the matching bonds. We had great fun in expressive arts creating our own piece of work in the style of Andrew Goldsworthy using natural objects. 
Next week we will be looking at more than and less than in maths. In literacy, we will be looking at writing questions for Fletcher the Fox and remembering to use our question marks. 

Please remember Muddy Monday on Monday so come dressed appropriately for outdoor learning. Also, please remember to return your book bags on Monday, homework is again to spend some time with your phonics mat practising reading, writing and saying these sounds.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Thomas and Mrs Kelly