Year 1: Weekly round up

Well done Year 1 on completing another fun week! This week we have been getting busy with lots of Christmas craft activities which the children have really enjoyed. We have been busy making and writing some excellent Christmas cards for our friends and families. These feature a fun Christmas tree design which we enjoyed creating. We have also made some festive snowmen tree decorations which frame our faces on as part of the decoration. These look really adorable and I’m sure will find their way on to trees at home. We have also started making some amazing spinning tree decorations which we will finish later next week.
In Maths we have been measuring things in our classroom using cubes. We measured our pencils, our books and even our shoes to see how big they were! We also discovered that the smart board was 40 cube long which we thought was massive!
In PE we’ve been practicing some funky dance moves ready for the festive party season. We are now all experts in both ‘The Floss’ and ‘The Dab’ however, Mr Hall still needs a lot of practice…. If you’ve not already been shown these disco moves, perhaps the children of Year 1 would be happy to demonstrate!
Next week it will be lights, curtain calls and action for our Christmas concert with Year 2! We have been working so hard rehearsing and putting the finishing touches to our show. We are really looking forward to performing it for you all.
If your child is still to bring in any costume extras, please can these come in on Monday or Tuesday at the very latest. Children did bring home notes with what was required but for most children they will need a white t-shirt, black shorts and their P.E pumps. If they are an Angel, they will need white tights and a white t-shirt or vest along with their P.E pumps. Many thanks to those that have already sent theirs in. Diolch
Hope you all have a lovely weekend Year 1!
Mr Hall and Miss Scott