Year 6: Weekly Round up

We had a very exciting start to the week where Year 6 spent the afternoon experimenting with toys, materials, and objects to create their own stop motion animation. These videos can be found on Google Classrooms. 
On Tuesday we investigated if the size of a parachute affects the length of time a parachute is airborne for. We found that parachutes with a larger surface area were better as the larger surface allowed for more air resistance which slowed the fall. 
On Friday, Year 6 were introduced to the new Micro:bits where they created their own step counter.  
Maths: This week we have been using short division to solve equations. Their knowledge of times tables has been very useful to help when solving these questions. 
Next week: Homework is due on Thursday the 8th of February as well as their blue reading books. 
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.