Next week we’ll be doing some work on money in maths, including making amounts using different coins and adding/ subtracting money using our place-value skills.
We’ll also be continuing to do more work linked to our looking into features commonplace in different fairytales. We will also watch an animation of the fairytale: Little Red Riding Hood which we will discuss/ respond to.
Tuesday is Safer Internet Day. Due to it’s importance we’ll definitely be doing some activities about this. It’s also one of our values day on Thursday (compassion) so we’ll also do some work linked to this.
Homework is reading books.
Optional homework is to play a game called ‘bingo: fractions of amounts’ on Topmarks (Google it and it will come up). It links to what we have been learning about in class this week, finding ½ of an amount, 1/3, 1/4, etc.
It’s differentiated depending on the level of challenge your child feels comfortable with. Some could even have a go at the most tricky ones, e.g.2/3, ¾ as there are similar to the 3 dot ones we did in class.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Steele, Mrs Leighton and Miss Edwards