Year 6: Weekly round up

Lots of smiles this week as the warmer weather has finally joined us!
Maths: Our focus this week has been solving areas of 2D and 3D shapes which has involved using multiplication to calculate the answers. Next week we will be exploring angles and have a wonderful activity lined up to get those protractors moving!
Themau: We have continued to work towards creating our cuddly toys for evacuees. We’re nearly there and will hopefully be sewing these before half-term. Year 6 worked in pairs this week to produce presentations on Kindertransport. On Monday, year 6 will have the opportunity to present these to the class. Towards the end of the week, we created miniature gas mask boxes by drawing a net of a cube. We were very impressed by the accuracy and detail!
P.E: We had a very exciting P.E lesson where we had a go at rounders. I was amazed by the throwing accuracy and consistent hits using such a thin bat! Da iawn pawb! 
Next week: 
-Eucharist: We look forward to welcoming even more of you to our pupil-led Eucharist at 2:15pm on Tuesday.
-P.E: On Thursday we will be going outside to play rounders. Please send in pupils with water bottles to bring outside. 
-Sports day: Fingers crossed the weather holds for sports day on Wednesday. Juniors are scheduled for 1-2:45pm.
-We will be completing our online personalised assessments in numeracy, reasoning and reading over the next couple of weeks, starting with numeracy on Monday morning. 
-Reading books and homework are due on Thursday. 
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sun!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.