Year 3: Homework/ Next Week Summary


Thanks for a lovely week Year 3!

Your homework is to practise logging into Hwb using your login details.

These can be found in your old Year 2 reading records which I have sent home with pupils.

Try logging in a few times to develop your accuracy/ speed when typing 😊

Also feel free to explore Hwb – programs like J2E once you have logged in.

I have also given pupils a reading book to read and a new blue reading record. Please hand back in by Wednesday of next week, having written a comment about how your child is getting on. If your child has finished the book they will get a new one. If they haven’t they will be given the same book to finish off.

Next week we’ll be continuing to do more topic work (being healthy) and in maths we’ll be doing some work on number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Please remember P.E kits on Monday 😊

See you on Monday! Have a nice weekend.

Mr Steele and Mrs Leighton