Year 6: Welcome back!

This week we launched our new topic ‘Rhyfel a heddwch’ (War and peace). Our main activity of the day was making a pear crumble. We worked in groups to follow a WW2 recipe which everyone ate with custard after lunch whilst listening to some classic songs from that era. We used pupil power to generate another wonderful batch of ideas for our new set of challenges which we will be starting next week. 
On Thursday we had our first session of badminton. To warm up, we used pupil power to decide which stretches would be best. Before starting, we discussed the characteristics of a shuttlecock and explored which approaches would be best using the new equipment. I was amazed by how quickly everyone picked up on the skills. We had groups of 2 play some friendly matches using the new techniques we learnt. 
On Friday, year 6 put on an incredible performance with Mrs McCaffrey where different classes came to watch. The full video and photos of this performance can be found on Google Classroom. Well done to all involved!
Next week: We have sent home a new homework sheet where we used pupil power to generate activities linked to WW2. Each week, pupils can choose whichever activity they’d like. Homework and reading books are due next Thursday. 
P.E: Indoor kits will be required for Thursday and Friday next week.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and we have some very exciting activities planned next week! See you all on Monday!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.