A very exciting week in year 6!
On Monday we worked together in groups to compose a piece of music which complimented various sounds which would be heard during an air raid in WW2. We saw pupils using very creative approaches to replicate certain sounds and were very impressed by the different musical elements that each group considered.

On Tuesday, year 6 focused on the 5 ways to well-being. Everyone worked in pairs to share a skill which they had planned an activity for. We had skills such as hairstyling, piano, poem writing, yoga, sewing, and much more. It was a great opportunity for year 6 to share a part of themselves with their class. #EnterprisingCreativeContributors

On Wednesday, year 6 used AI technology on Adobe Express. We had to use very clear instructions to generate images through text. This was an exciting opportunity to engage with modern technologies. #AmbitiousCapableLearners
Thursday involved another session of Badminton. We used Pupil Voice to choose and instruct our warm-up and cool-down exercises. In maths, pupils volunteered to ‘be the teacher’ and lead the recapping activity. #HealthyConfidentIndividual

Next week: Indoor P.E kits will be needed on Thursday and Friday. Reading books will be sent home today; please ensure that these are returned on Thursday the 25th of April. Topic homework sheets were sent back home on Thursday. Pupils can once again choose whichever activity they would like off the sheet, as long as they don’t repeat a task. Diolch!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.