We made the most of the sunny weather this week and enjoyed having our snack outside during Welly Wednesday. As part of our ‘Growing’ topic, we planted Iris bulbs in the garden area there and can’t wait to water them every week and watch them grow🌱. Fingers crossed they will flower before the end of term!
We have been : discussing what plants need to grow; creating fabulous butterfly art🦋 and caterpillar craft; practicing writing number 1 and the letter ‘s’ and have been developing our computational thinking by doing puzzles and playing games……bingo and matching pairs are favourites! We loved reading Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth too.
We had an extra special surprise visit yesterday from the fire service who parked their fire engine in our carpark especially for us all to see! We loved seeing it so close and hearing the siren!
Next week we will be reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and discussing the different parts of a plant🌻.
Have a great weekend
Mrs. Golby, Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Cheetham