Year 6: Half term round up!

Wow! This half term went so quickly!

We have had another fun week in year 6. Our focus this week has been on persuasive writing. The skills learnt over the week has helped year 6 create a video presentation for recycling. Everyone worked so hard in their groups and great effort was put into their final presentations. 


During prayer week, we explored the value of ‘thankfulness’ and created our hearts which share what we are each thankful for. 

On Friday, we had a lovely visit from PC Hulley who helped year 6 explore drug awareness. Many great questions and answers were shared from all. 


No homework has been given this week; however, the home reading books will still be due on Thursday the 9th of November. Please make sure that the blue books are being returned with comments written in, as some books are coming back with no comments. 

We hope you all have a wonderful half term, you definitely deserve a good break! Da iawn pawb!

Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard