Year 2: Weekly Overview

We have made it to the end of the first half term in Year 2 and what a great week we have had again! 
This week we have finished off our topic of Autumn and the story of Fletcher and the Falling Leaves. In literacy, we have made some lost posters to help Fletcher find his missing leaves. We have also used Jamboard to ask questions about Autumn (this can be seen on our Google Classroom on Hwb). In maths, we have been looking at Carroll Diagrams and sorting 2d Shapes into them. We had lots of fun identifying the shapes, colours and sides! 
We had a lovely day yesterday celebrating our Value of Thankfulness. We visited the prayer stations and then we made thank you cards to God to say what/who we are thankful for. 
Thank you for your support this term, wishing you all a great half term!
Mrs Thomas and Mrs Kelly