Year 5: Week beginning 9th October

I am so impressed with everyone’s homework about the Brecon Beacons – well done Blwyddyn 5 and thank you to all parents for your support.  We enjoyed watching Mewn Cymeriad’s performance about people from Wales moving to Patagonia.  I am hoping that we will be able to make a link with a school in Patagonia. 
Next week, we will be focusing on Maths word problems using add and subtraction strategies.  In R.E., we will be finding out about symbols in our Church.  For our thema (topic) work, we will be researching people who have an impact on space travel, including Chris Hadfield’s book ‘The Darkest Dark’.  Also, we will be writing an email as if we were Tim Peake on the International Space Station.  P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday as usual. Reading books and homework (Maths sheet) are due in on Tuesday.  Have a lovely weekend pawb.
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey, Mrs Leighton.