We have had a lovely week, tasting bread, trying Victorian playtime games and making and programming racing cars. I have been very impressed with our borrowing subtraction skills in Maths.
Next week, our maths focus will be using our times tables to find multiples and common factors. It is Welsh week, so we will be busy preparing our song for the Eisteddfod and sketching daffodils for the Art competition. We are looking forward to hearing everyone sharing their research on Ruabon/Wrexham during the Victorians. Also, we will be thinking about what the Victorians have left us. Friday will be our Eisteddfod with the children from the rest of the school.
P.E. is on Wednesday and Thursday. Reading books are due in on Tuesday. The homework task is to make a periscope (see homework sheet from yesterday), this is due in on the 19th March.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham.