Pnawn da. I have been so impressed with everyone’s hard work writing their own myths this week. I am really looking forward to reading them in full. Our Maths focus next week will be to measure the radius, diameter and circumference of circles. Hopefully, we will have our Sports Day on Wednesday (weather dependent). To link with this, we will be looking at the Olympics in Ancient Greek times and compare with present day. On Friday, we will work in pairs to create a Talking Textile of the story of Perseus. We will be completing our online personalised assessments in numeracy, reasoning and reading over the next couple of weeks. Pupils will need to wear P.E. kits on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Reading books and homework (produce a book cover and blurb for their own myth) need to be in on Tuesday as usual. Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham.