Year 5: 4 December

We have enjoyed starting ‘Christmas in the Victorians’.  Next week, we will continue with our letter to persuade Scrooge to celebrate Christmas.  Also, we will listen to more of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and start to think about Scrooge’s character and use evidence from the text.  We will also produce a fact file about Victorian Christmas traditions.  In Maths this week, we have been working on changing between digital and analogue, reading timetables and finding the differences between times.  We will continue with this for a couple of days, following this, we will start converting between mm, cm, m and km.  
Swimming will be on Thursday, but we will not be doing P.E. on Wednesday as we will be rehearsing for our Christmas Concert.  Homework (Maths sheet) and Reading books need to be in on Tuesday as usual.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham.