Year 4: Weekly update

Blwyddyn 4 have had a wonderful first week back. They have worked incredibly hard and have earned lots of marbles in their class jar as a result. Everyone loved our topic launch on Tuesday and all pupils have enjoyed starting the work for our new topic, Off With Her Head!

Next Week

In mathematical development we will be using our division skills to find fractions of amounts. In Languages, Literacy and Communication we will focus of writing a newspaper report to report on the events of The Battle of Bosworth. We will also be working in groups to tell the story of Alice in Wonderland with actions. In Science we will be comparing Tudor medicine to medicine today and in Creative Development we will be looking at the key features of different chairs in preparation for designing our own. In Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) we will begin to look at Henry VIII’s faith and how we can be defenders of our faith like Henry was for his.

PE will be on Monday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor).

On Wednesday we are having a special assembly from the NSPCC called Speak Out Stay Safe.


Reading books are coming home today along with a reading comprehension about The Battle of Bosworth for homework. Please make sure that these are returned on Thursday next week.

Pupils are also bringing home their parts for our assembly. They do not need to learn their parts off by heart but if they could have a look at them so that they have an idea of what they are saying and when that would be great. We will be practising in school next week.


Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin