We have had a wonderful start to the year this week. All pupils in year 4 have settled in amazingly and we are so proud of them for their hard work and mature attitudes this week. It has been a pleasure to get to know everyone.
We kicked off our new topic of Journeys on Tuesday and we were all shocked when Mrs Booth came onto the playground to ask who had been drawing all over the door and tables in red pen. She asked us to investigate and see if we could find out what had happened. We discovered that it was a secret message with a hint to a book all about a little girls mysterious journey. We can’t wait to find out what happens in the book next week.
PE will start next week with outdoor on Monday and indoor on Wednesday so please remember to wear kits.
Homework this week is reading books which are coming home today and a task on Google Classroom (please see detailed instructions on the task in the homework folder in Google Classroom). Hwb log ons are coming home today and a help sheet to remind you how to access your child’s Google Classroom. If anyone has any problems or does not have access to a device or the internet please get in touch and we can sort an alternative. Please return reading books and complete the homework task by Thursday each week.
Some pupils will be bringing longer reading books home this year. Please listen to them read regularly each week and record it in the blue reading diary. However, pupils are also encouraged to read for enjoyment so they do not need to read the whole book out loud to an adult, they are more than welcome to read to themselves throughout the week as well. It is not expected that books are completed in a week so please keep them for as long as you need. All that we ask is that the blue reading record is returned weekly.
We hope that all pupils have enjoyed their first week as much as we have! Mrs Keddie is looking forward to her first day with the class on Monday.
If you have any queries, questions or worries then please feel free to get in touch.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Williams, Mrs Cheetham and Mrs Keddie