Year 1: Weekly round

This week in Year 1 we have been busy learning all about describing words. We learnt that they are called adjectives! We used some adjectives to describe some Autumn leaves we found out on our playground. Some were large and some were small. Some were smooth and some were bumpy or spiky. We even thought some sounded crunchy when we squished them between our fingers. In Maths we have continued learning about making 4, 5 and 6. We used pebbles to count how many more we would need to make each number. Some of us noticed a pattern emerging as we went along! In Tree Top Thursday our task was to gather the right number of conkers for some squirrels. We had to work together to find out how many more we would need so we had the correct amount for each squirrel. Earlier this week we learnt about animals that hibernate and listened to the book ‘Don’t hog the hedge’. We found out that animals hibernate because it’s very cold over the winter and there isn’t enough food for them to eat. So, it’s much better to sleep through those cold winter months and wake up again in the Spring. Today we had a go at mapping our way to school. We had a look at some buildings in Ruabon that we might see on the way such as the Church and the Library. We then stuck the ones we spotted on our journeys to our maps before finishing at St Mary’s. 

Today of course we had our Harvest festival at Church and I’m sure you’ll all agree that the children did brilliantly preforming their song ‘In my trolley’. Mr Hall was so proud that they got not one, but three marbles in the jar which brings us ever closer to our marble jar treat! Da iawn pawb!  

Next week we will be having a look at some land art by Richard Shilling. Could I ask children to bring in any Autumn things such as conkers, acorns and pinecones that we can use to create some of our own land art during next weeks Tree Top Thursday session. Diolch!

Have a lovely weekend Year 1!

Mr Hall and Miss Scott