Year 1: Weekly round up – Red Nose Day!

What a fun finish to the week we have had here in Year 1. Of course, today was Red Nose Day and the children looked wonderful dressed in their red clothing. We started the morning by designing a red nose of our very own! We thought about what sort of things we could use and came up with smiley faces, zig zags and even a few lightning bolts! We also talked about how the designs needed to be big as we planned to try and transfer them on to a cupcake which was much smaller. So, it would be difficult to do our designs on a cupcake if they were very small and intricate. We then iced some cupcakes and got to work on icing on our designs. The children did a fantastic job and enjoyed the whole process. Da iawn pawb!

Earlier in the week we made some Wanted Posters for either Jack or the Giant. We talked about the important features of the poster and decided that the description of our characters was the most important part along with a good picture. We needed to say what they looked like, where these people might be found and what they had done. The children worked really hard on thinking about which words were the best to use and even remembered that they needed adjectives in their writing to help.

Most of our beanstalks are really starting to grow now and so we have been looking at the Bean life cycle. There are four stages in the cycle and the children did well to order each stage and right a little bit about what was happening. In Phonics we have been looking at the ‘ure’ sound and listened to a song to help us remember the sound. We then made a beanstalk with different ‘ure’ words on the leaves to help Jack climb to the top. In Maths we have been learning the strategy of ‘counting on’. We try and keep the first number in our heads and then counted on one, two or even three more! We did use a number line to help us, but by the end many of us were doing it in our heads! Da iawn.

Next week we will be learning all about Easter. We will be listening to the Easter Story and talking about what happened and why it is such a special occasion. We may even finish the week off with an exciting Easter Egg Hunt! Until then, have a lovely weekend Year 1. I hope you enjoy those lovely cupcakes!

Mr Hall and Ms Scott