Year 1: Weekly round up

Well done Year 1! We have successfully made it to the end of half term. We couldn’t be any more proud of you all and how hard you have worked, even in this final week. We finished off this term polishing off our skills of working out 1 more and 1 less which you all did amazingly with. We have also been learning about the digraph ‘ee’ and practiced our reading and writing of words containing this sound. We also finished our work on jobs in the local area before visiting the Prayer Stations on Wednesday which we all enjoyed. In PE this week we picked our favourite games to play including the Combine harvester game, the shark game and Mr Hall’s colour game. We had Values Day on Thursday which was all about Thankfulness and did some lovely work to record things we were thankful for. Today we finished off colouring in our patterned Autumn leaves which we started on Monday. Next term we will be launching into our new topic…… Superhero’s! This topic focuses on the book ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson. It’s one of Mr Hall’s favourites so I know you are going to love it!
Have a fun half term everyone! Try not to eat too much chocolate and sweets on the 31st and see you all again in a weeks time.
Mr Hall and Miss Scott.