Year 1: Weekly round up

The end of a busy week here in Year 1! This week in Math, we have been focusing on counting on and back in 2s. Although this was a bit tricky, we soon got the hang of it with the help of our 100 squares. We also had fun learning how to program a Beebot! We had to program the bot to move forward and turn across a grid in order to reach the treasure.
In our topic lessons, we created some fantastic Pirate Wanted posters. The children described their pirates in detail, noting what they were wearing, their eye and hair color, and even if they had a parrot! Using these descriptions, they then drew their pirates, resulting in some very imaginative artwork.
In Phonics, we concentrated on blending the sounds S and T together. We learned that this blend is commonly found at the start of words such as “star” and “stamp,” as well as at the end of words like “nest” and “dust.” The children practiced their blending skills and did a great job!
Our PE lessons were all about balancing skills. The children had fun walking the plank and then walking the plank while trying to balance a beanbag on their heads, improving their balance and coordination.
Finally, we have been working hard on creating special Father’s Day cards. These beautiful cards have been sent home today, ready for a special delivery on Sunday. Next week, we will be focusing on designing and making sandwiches inspired by the book *The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch*. It promises to be a lot of fun!
Have a brilliant weekend, Year 1!
Mr. Hall and Ms. Scott