Year 1: Weekly round up

What a wonderful way to end our week! A massive well done to all our amazing Year 1 children. They did so well remembering their lines, singing along to the music, and dancing our Dino dance. Their confidence has grown so much, and it really shone through. Needless to say, you’ve made mine and I’m sure everyone’s week. I couldn’t be any prouder of them all. Thank you to everyone who came along to see the performance and for your continued support.
As well as preparing for this week’s performance, we have been writing out our dinosaur stories. We paid extra attention to writing on the line, getting our finger spaces between words, and using capital letters and full stops. This has been a big task, which we will be finishing off next week. The children have really enjoyed coming up with their own stories and worked really hard as a result. Da iawn pawb!
Last week in maths, we recorded our favourite dinosaurs in a tally chart. This week, we transferred that data onto a bar chart using iPads. We logged on to Hwb, then made the charts by type in the dinosaur names and the number of people who liked each one.
Next week, we will be bringing our Dinosaur topic to a close. Please could children bring in a carrier bag with their name on it. There are lots of things we’ve made and done to come home with the children on Thursday.
Well done again Year 1! Have a wonderful weekend and see you all again next week
Mr Hall and Ms Scott
P.S I have had some requests for the PowerPoint from this morning’s assembly. Sadly, Seesaw doesn’t work with PowerPoint. I have therefore posted it to Google Classroom and children have come home with instructions and log in details. Have a lovely weekend.