A massive well done Year 1, we have made it to the end of this half term! The children have really enjoyed out Jungle topic and have produced some excellent work. We finished off this topic learning about the Crocodile’s life cycle. We already knew that a crocodile was a reptile from previous lessons and therefore laid eggs. We went on to learn once the baby crocodiles hatch, they become hatchlings. Then as they grow older and bigger and become juvenile crocodiles before completing the cycle as fully grown adults.
In Maths this week we enjoyed going on a 3D shape hunt around the classroom! We first learnt about some different 3D shapes such as a cube, cuboid, cylinder and a sphere. To help us identify them we learnt that some shapes could be stacked whereas other could roll. In pairs we then looked around the classroom to see what we could find and then recorded it on Seesaw. Feel free to have a go at this at home if you’d like to as the activity is still on our Seesaw classroom.
We have also been busy making cards for a special someone. Hopefully these will remain hidden until the 14th of the month. They may even be accompanied with flowers or breakfast in bed… sadly I can make no promises. It was lovely to see how good the children’s writing is getting and how much time and effort they took making sure they used their finger spaces and capital letters. Da iawn!
We had a quick session at Tree Top Tuesday this week due to the wet weather however, we still managed to introduce the Welsh ‘Ble mae…..?’ which means ‘Where is…..?’. We used Ble mae to ask where various Jungle animals were hidden around the playground. The children enjoyed scampering off in search of them, even if it was wet underfoot.
This week has also been values week at St Mary’s. We have been learning about the value of Compassion. We spent time visiting the prayer stations in the hall which helped to teach us about different types of compassion. We looked at compassion for each other, compassion for the world as well as a really important one, compassion for ourselves. Thursday this week was values day where we listened to the story of the Good Samaritan. We talked about the different times where we saw an act of compassion. The children then recorded that part of the story in a drawing which they also labelled. Later, we ‘Filled a bucket with kindness’. This involved writing ways we can show kindness and compassion to the people we care about. It was heartwarming to hear the children’s different ideas. I am hoping to hear that the children have ‘helped with the washing up’ or ‘tidied their room’ as they suggested in the coming weeks.
Next half term we will be introducing our new topic…… Fairytales! Can you guess which fairytale in particular we will be focusing on? One of the main characters can often be heard saying ‘Fee fi fo fum!’. Until then, keep on smiling and have a fun filled week off.
Mr Hall and Ms Scott