What a fun filled week we have had in Year 1! This week we have been busy looking at different classifications of animals. We discovered six different varieties! These were mammals, reptiles, amphibians, insects, fish and birds. All with their own features that helped us to identify which class each animals went in. We then used some of this knowledge to create our very own animals. We thought of two different animals to combine to make a single jungle creature. We made ‘girafodiles’, ‘elebats’ and even a ‘tigerfly’. The children worked really hard with these tasks, and it was lovely to see what imaginative creations they came up with. Da iawn pawb!
In phonics we have been learning about the ‘ow’ sound and found it makes two different sounds. It makes ‘ow’ as in cow as well as ‘ow’ as in grow. We played a sorting game and listened hard to discover which sound each word was making. In Maths we have been practising our number bonds to make 4, 5 and 6. This was a little tricky at first, but we soon got the hang of it and used pictures to help us if we needed them.
At Tree Top Tuesday we had to find or make a home (habitat) for our created animal. Some of you will have seen on Seesaw the habitats that we made. The children really loved doing this and had to think about what their animals might like in the habitat.
You’ve all worked really hard again this week Year 1, well done. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all again next week.
Mr Hall and Ms Scott