Reception: Tomi Twt!

Tomi Twt is all set for another year of adventures with Reception class.🐻
 He will be coming home every Friday in his special bag with a book and a yummy hot chocolate, ready to spend the week with one special child. Please have fun with Tomi, read with him, play with him, take him to the park etc. Then ask a grown up to fill in one page of his diary to tell everyone what you have been up to.  You can either draw a picture or stick a photo in the diary if you want to too. (please note one page is plenty and hand drawn pictures will be great if you aren’t able to print photos). 
Please return Tomi to school the following Friday so he can go on more adventures with another new friend in our class. 🐻🐻🐻 He is so excited to meet you all. He just can’t wait! 
St. Mary’s CIW Primary School,