Nursery: weekly update

We have had lots of fun this week playing ‘colour splat’ and finding objects around the classroom to match the colour and practicing our listening and turn taking skills during circle time by sharing what our favourite morning activity was with Buttons the teddy. We read ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson and we loved learning through play doing activities based on the story. We have been counting spiders🕷, washing pumpkins🎃 and  making potions and magical wands🌟!  We had our snack in Welly Wednesday as the weather was so lovely before we had lots of muddy fun making mud pies and mud hot chocolate!
Next week we will be acting the Room on the Broom story by role play and will be visiting the prayer stations in the hall with the theme of thankfulness.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend
Mrs Golby, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Cheetham😄