Nursery: Weekly overview

As well as practicing our fine and gross motor skills, numbers and sounds, we have had lots of fun in the fresh air. We loved making mud pies and soup in Welly Wednesday and had our snack there too! We have also had lots of fun on the yard with the trikes, hoola hoops, cheerleader pom poms, foam throwing rockets and hopscotch. We have also practiced for our sports day!
Next week, we will be keeping our fingers crossed for lovely weather for our sports day, with Nursery and Reception being from 9.30 – 10.30am on Wednesday 24th.
There will be a training day on Friday 26th May so school will be closed to pupils on that day.

Have a fantastic weekend Nursery and we will see you on Monday.

Mrs. Golby, Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. McCaffrey😁