We have had yet another busy week in Nursery. The sunshine seems to have finally arrived and we have loved being outside in the fresh air with our friends. We loved playing on the trikes this morning ! We also had our snack in forest school for Welly Wednesday and especially enjoyed watering the plants there. We noticed a few more shoots growing from our Iris bulbs! Next week we will be growing cress and we can watch them grow in class.
We have also been practicing our numbers ‘1’ and ‘2’ with rhymes had had a go at writing them along with with our letter sounds ‘s’ and ‘a’. Next week we will be moving on to letter sound ‘t’ and will be thinking of words we know that begin with this.
We loved recalling ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ story and making caterpillar pasta necklaces! We have also played games such as counting maths games, bingo, matching pairs and jigsaws to develop skills such as teamwork and turn-taking, problem solving and numeracy whilst having lots of fun!
We hope you have a fantastic bank holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Mrs Golby, Mrs Cheetham and Mrs Edwards😁