Year 6: Weekly Round up!

A very cold but joyful week in Year 6! With Christmas around the corner, we have sent pupils home with their lines for the Christmas concert. How exciting! We’ve had a lovely sing along on Thursday, working hard to learn the new songs.  

We’ve had lots of practice this week using ‘sliders’ to help convert different units of measurements in our maths lessons. This week, the focus has been on converting grams, kilograms, and tones for weight, and converting millimetres, centimetres, metres, and kilometres for length. Lots to soak in, but everyone gave it 100%! 

In P.E., Year 6 were introduced to basketball. There are some true basketball stars in the making! They learned how to dribble, chest-pass, and the basic rules of the sport.  


Working with our topic ‘Ein Byd’, year 6 have been researching and writing a biography for Greta Thunberg. Lots of interesting facts were discovered and shared throughout the week. Today, their biographies were published. I was blown away by the care and pride taken in their work.  

Lots of discussions and sharing took place during our Themau lessons. Year 6 considered the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing products in a range of packaging from the point of view of both a consumer, and a shop keeper. There were some very interesting and thoughtful considerations shared throughout. Year 6 are now thinking deeper about their actions outside of school and the impact we each have on our planet.  

For Remembrance Day, Year 6 created their own poppies, detailed with information to share with their loved ones. Their poppies were far better than mine, which we all agreed looked more like an apple! The whole school took part in 2 minutes of silence at 11am. All of Year 6 were incredibly respectful and took the time to reflect on the sacrifices made for us and our futures.  


Reminder – The homework is due next Wednesday the 15th of November and reading records are due on Thursday the 16th. The homework does not involve creating the designs, the designs should only be drawn and labelled. P.E will be every Thursday morning and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that appropriate footwear is worn/brought to school as we have started playing basketball outside and the unpredictable weather can make it rather slippery at times! Diolch! 
