Year 5: Week beginning 23/10

I was so impressed this week when I saw Blwyddyn 5’s Space Day, it was fantastic.  We shared good ideas for similes and metaphors for our space poetry and have written wonderful poems.   Today, we received our next challenge from the Mars Rover.  We will be finding out about the planets, producing a fact file and a database on Hwb.  Also, we will use Excel to produce a graph about the sizes of the planets.  Next week is Prayer  Week.  On Tuesday, we will visit the prayer stations and then on Thursday we will focus on our value of thankfulness.  Our Maths focus will continue to be multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.  P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday as usual.  Reading books and homework (maths sheet) are due in on Tuesday.  
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham