Year 5: 11/12/23


I have been very impressed with everyone’s persuasive writing to Scrooge convincing him to celebrate Christmas  – da iawn blwyddyn 5.  We have begun our next Maths focus – measuring in mm and cm and converting between mm, cm, m and km.  We will continue with this next week.  

We are looking foward to performing our Christmas concert on Tuesday and watching the pantomime on Friday.  We will continue listening to ‘A Christmas carol’.  Our written task will be to write a character analysis of Scrooge.  Also, we will be imagining what it would be like to be a Victorian child on Christmas Day.  There will be plenty of Christmas craft too!  P.E will be on Wednesday and swimming on Thursday.  Reading books and homework (Flipgrid on Google Classroom) are due in on Tuesday.  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hodkinson, Mrs McCaffrey and Mrs Cheetham.