Year 4: welcome back

Hello Blwyddyn 4,

We hope that you have had a lovely summer break and we can’t wait to welcome you back into school tomorrow.

When you arrive please look for you name in the cloakroom and then hang up your belongings.

There is a trolley outside the classroom for you to put your snack and water bottle in.

When you come into the classroom find your name on the tables and take a seat. We will sort out trays once we are all in and settled so please just keep your pencil cases with you.

PE will be on Wednesday so please make sure you have your kit ready and come dressed in it ready for a dance lesson on Wednesday morning.

Please do not worry if you are unsure of anything, we will be here to help you.

Enjoy the final afternoon of your holidays.

We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow.

Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin