Blwyddyn 4 have been absolute super stars this week. They have worked incredibly hard and we are so proud of them all. They thoroughly enjoyed our music lesson earlier this week and had great fun using the boom whackers to play along to The Lion Sleeps Tonight. They have also shared some lovely ideas abut honesty and the importance of it during our Values Day on Thursday.
Next week is a busy one, we have sports day on Wednesday so please come dressed in kits. Swimming will go ahead as normal on Thursday and outdoor PE will be on Friday afternoon.
In maths we will be recapping mixed number fractions. In literacy we will be writing a character study for Charlotte and creating our own comic strips. We will also continue with our work on habitats and conservation.
Homework this week is reading books and a times tables sheet.
We are planning to take the children across to the park on Friday morning as their reward for earning all of their marbles last week. Although the children know that we will be going at some point we have not told them the date as it is weather permitting. We thought that it would be a nice surprise for them on Friday morning when they are expecting to be writing in class.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Williams, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Probin