This week in Year 1 we have been busy learning about different layers of the Jungle. There are four in total starting with the forest floor, all the way up to the emergent layer at the very top. We discovered that animals like to make their homes in one of the layers and tend to prefer the various conditions each layer has to offer. The children have also been learning about alliteration. These are quite similar to rhyming words however the sound is the same at the start of the word rather than then end. We matched words such as ‘happy hippo’ and ‘slippery snake’. We finished the week by completing our paintings that were inspired by Henri Rousseau. The children have done some lovely pictures which you can see below.
In Phonics this week we have been learning the ‘ur’ sound that you find in nurse and church. We really enjoyed singing along to a fun ‘ur’ song. Our favourite part was when a ‘turtle’ turns in to a ‘burger’!
In Maths we have been learning some new symbols. We have been looking at more than (>) and less than (<) as well as equals (=). We learnt that both more than and less then look like a crocodile’s mouth, but he only likes to eat the bigger number. This made it a lot easier when we were trying to figure out which symbol was the correct one to use in our number sentences.
Yesterday was St Dwynwen’s Day and the children enjoyed listening to the story and later made some heart posters using their hands to create the heart shape. These came home with the children yesterday.
Important notices
P.E – For the next few weeks Liam from Real PE will be coming to take our P.E sessions, however this will be on a Thursday afternoon rather than the usual Wednesday. So on Thursday’s children will need to come dressed for P.E until further notice.
Forest School Sessions – As P.E will now be on a Thursday, we will do our forest school sessions on a Tuesday afternoon instead. So please can children come to school dressed in suitable clothing for Forest school with Wellies (and puddle suits if desired) on Tuesdays. We will revert back to a Thursday once our P.E sessions with Liam have finished.
Seesaw – Seesaw is now up and running in Year 1! Children have today come home with letters giving instructions on how to access Seesaw at home. This will allow you to view the children’s independent work they photograph and post. Eventually we will also start posting focused work and activities as the children and I get up to speed with using the application.
If you have any questions at all, please do come and see me.
Have a lovely weekend Year 1!
Mr Hall and Ms Scott