Year 1: Values Day – Thankfulness

What a lovely couple of days we’ve had in Year 1. We have spent today learning all about our value Thankfulness. We started the day hearing the Bible story of Jesus healing the sick. We talked about how thankful the people were to God for helping them to feel better, but also how thankful one man was to his friends who had carried him all the way to see Jesus. We then spent some time talking about the things we were thankful for and recorded them in a picture. The children came up with some very thoughtful and lovely ideas. One of the children said the thing he was thankful for was ‘Hope’ because it made him happy. Later, we spent time writing some of our ideas on leaves to make a Thankfulness tree which will be on our display. Yesterday was Year 1’s turn to visit the prayer stations. This really helped us to think about the things we are thankful for and everyone enjoyed the taking part in the activities, especially making the rainbow which came home today. Everyone did really well, it is particularly pleasing to see how much the children take these activities seriously and to heart. Da iawn pawb!