Just a quick reminder. Tomorrow will be our forest school session instead of the usual day of Thursday. Please can children come with wellies and anything else they would normally bring for forest school.
Thursday will be our PE session so children will need to come dressed for P.E on that day, diolch.
I hope you are enjoying Seesaw. The children have absolutely loved completing work in the areas and taking pictures to show you at home! There are some activities I have assigned to our Seesaw classroom which some children have found. The children will be encouraged to have a go at these here at school, so the activities are by no means ‘homework’. However, if the children want to have a go at home they are very welcome to do so. Most come with both spoken and written instructions so the children can do these independently.
Please also feel free to post anything educational that the children do at home if they want to share with the class. Things such as any drawings or writing they might do, a favourite book they have enjoyed or any experiences they have been on would be lovely to see. I’ll be more than happy to share them.
Mr Hall