Welcome back after our Easter break. It has been lovely to hear the children’s news!
We will be having our ‘Growing’ topic launch next Wednesday during Welly Wednesday (weather permitting!) and have already started to sing some songs and do some amazing art towards this. Also next week we will be reading Jasper’s Beanstalk by Nick Butterworth and will be thinking about what plants need to grow🌱. We were unable to go to Welly Wednesday this week as we have had so much rain but we did have lots of fun splashing in puddles instead just before we came home.
We have been learning a rhyme to remember how to write a number 1 and loved writing this on the interactive whiteboard. We have also been thinking about the letter ‘s’ and what sound it is. We were fantastic thinking about words we knew that begin with this sound like sun🌞 and snake🐍! We also chose objects from the classroom that start with this sound and thought about who has names with an ‘s’ in our class.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Golby, Mrs Cheetham and Mrs Edwards