Nursery: Weekly update

We have had a very colourful week learning why we celebrate Bonfire Night and have painted super firework pictures with lots of colour and glitter. We even had hotdogs for our snack🌭!

We read Noah’s Ark for Bible Stories week and fun singing ‘The animals went in two by two – hurrah!’

We have been learning about Remembrance Day and went to our Prayer Garden for two minutes silence today at 11am.  Our poppy art is fantastic – we used balloons to print the poppies!

We had lots of fun splashing in puddles with our wellies, doing patterns with sparkly glitter, making pretend hot chocolate in our role play hot chocolate shop and have loved the dressing table in class with a mirror, bracelets and necklaces.

We have been singing lots of counting rhymes including ‘5 currant buns’ and ‘12345 once I caught a fish alive’, nursery rhymes and also during Circle Time we have been talking about our favourite activity of the morning and whether we saw any fireworks on Bonfire Night.

Next week we will be reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears🐻 and completing activities based on this. The Great Spotacular for Children in Need is next Friday 17th November and children can come to school dressed in yellow or spots if they wish to show their support of Pudsey. They can bring in £1 donation to school or you can donate online using Parent Pay.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Golby, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Cheetham😁