Nursery: Our first week!

We have had a great first week back and all the children have settled in well😊. We have had lots of fun playing, doing activities, having photos taken for coat pegs and have loved looking at your special object in your ‘Special Bag’ and showing your friends. It was fun having snack and a chat with our friends too….see photos.
Next week, we will continue to follow the routine and will be learning how to answer the register in Welsh and say our prayer at the end of the morning. There will be no PE or Welly Wednesday next week as we will still not be in as a full class, but I will update you more on this next week.
We are thinking all about our different families and if you are still able to send in a family photo for our ‘Nursery family tree’ wall display, that would be great!
We can’t wit to see you all again next week for more fun!
Mrs Golby, Mrs Edwards and Mrs Cheetham😄