Year 5: Week beginning 22 April

Everyone has worked so hard this week.  We have all develop our confidence with equivalent fractions.  Next week, we will continue multiplying a 3 digit number by a one digit …

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Year 5: Reading

This afternoon, we read for pleasure.  We will start to do this every Friday afternoon. #ambitious, capable learners

Year 5: Launch

Yesterday, we launched our topic ‘heroes and villains’. As part of this, we are making Adobe web presentations to explain what heroes and villains are and give examples. Everyone has …

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Year 5: Happy Easter

Happy Easter to everyone.  We will be starting our new topic after Easter.  Maths focus will be finding equivalent fractions.  P.E. will be on Wednesday and Thursday as usual.  Please …

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Year 5: Visit to Ysgol Rhiwabon 1

We had a great time at Ysgol Rhiwabon on Wednesday. We learnt all about static and had great fun. Diolch to the staff at Ysgol Rhiwabon for inviting us. #Ambitious …

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Year 5: Periscopes

We enjoyed testing our periscopes  yesterday.  They are looked fabulous. Thank you to all parents for your support. We also have achieved our final marble for our reward. We will …

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Year 5: Week beginning 18 March

We have been busy with our new focus in Science this week – Light.  We have used the data logger again to see how much light travels through different materials.  …

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Year 5: Homework

Next week, we will making our bread using our own ingredients.  Each pupil will be bringing home a list of the items they would like to add to their bread. …

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Year 5: World Book Day

Diolch everyone for all your effort with World Book Day costumes.  We played the yes or no game to guess a character.  It was really good fun! #ambitious, capable learners

Year 5: End of our trip

We have just finished our last activity. Everyone has shown such kindness and compassion to each other. We have really worked well as a team and have behaved impeccably. It …

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Year 5: Last night

On our way to the disco last night.  This morning, we are doing orienteering and raft building.